Thursday, 20 May 2010

Keep talking . . . . . I always yawn when I'm interested (RANTS AND VAINESS ALERT)

      I always thought I was the biggest git, EVER! I mean, I'm vain, selfish, self-centered, bitchy and more. What?! At least I tahu sedar diri oso okay. But I was wrong. I'm not the biggest GIT. YOU are! You think very nice kah you go and ask teacher what experiment coming out for BIOLOGY! and not tell us? Not that I need the information, I've done what most people call studying. But still,  exam is suppose to be fair, where a person is judged by their ability, not by their ability "to get their hands on soalan bocor". Fine, sometimes teacher gives us a little heads up, but at least it is still fair because everyone has that same information.

     But when you hog that type of info to yourself and only choose to tell a selected few of your friends, then that's just wrong! Thank God I got a wind of that, cause then I told everyone in class 30 minutes before exam and made the exam an even playing field it should be. I saw how your face fell, bitch. What, trying to take my Biology throne is it?

Well, you're welcome to try. Getting 82% is not that hard, I would know. Don't hate me because I never have to work hard like you do and still beating you in everything, every single time.


Sulina Piakong said...

Mir, who ohhhh? tell me tell me!

Mirabel said...

i tell u tommorow in skul lar