Monday, 2 November 2009

Borrow money from a pessimist, they don't expect it back.

Hey people, can you actually believe it's November! Uggh, I'm getting older everyday. Everytime i look into the mirror, I can almost swear I see a teeny weenie wrinkle somewhere. But hey, at least my eyebags are not that noticeable, yet!

Let me just wish Daniel, the 2nd younger bro, a happy 9th birthday. Yes, he's the kid who everyone say is very cute and handsome one. He is also Sharren's favourite among all my brothers. Whatever, just don't turn out gay. No bah, joking only, you knew that right ?

I want to post his picture bah but then I realised I don't have any on my phone right now. But guess whose picture did I found ?

The Bervert I have come to know and, errrr, know. And not forgeting

The youngest bro, Jacob! Apa nie? Pouting competition kah? Well move over kids, cause I have the official winner which will not, and shall not be dethroned! Wait for it, wait for it...

Bah, sepa lagi kan? Were you even surprised? I know you weren't :P

Pictures aside, guess who will be a bridesmaid this month? Okay fine, maybe I should stop asking obvious questions about myself, even I'm annoyed. Oh yes, and the best part of being a bridesmaid? The dress of course. I don't know if it is because I have been watching too much E!, but I think kan my aunty purposedly made the bridesmaid dress to be not so pretty this, you know, so that no one overshadows the bride. I don't wanna say it but I have too, it looks so outdated, uggh. But nevermind, it's her wedding, not mine. I will just run away when it is time to take pictures. Either that, or I'll secretly alter it a bit, or a lot.

One more thing I can't wait for is Bio results. I really really want to know my position in class this. So far, it's okay I guess. Got hope want to crack into the top 3. I have 6 A1's so far, let's see if I can bring it to a 7, but I doubt it. Whatever lar, I'm done trying to please someone, that's for sure. Mummy was like "6
A1's only? For you kan Mirabel,I would expect 9 or 10. Who ask you to be so lazy. Try to be more like *tut* lar." Pfft...

I want to continue but the clock is showing 2.12 a.m. already and I can't keep my eyes.... open. Unless I want to wake up with drools all over my laptop,I'll have to call it a day, or night, or morning.

I can't type anymore, zzz...

1 comment:

Sharren_Darren said...

I want danial's photos!!! post it!!!